“All World Faiths are the same”


“All the World Faiths are the same really”

No they’re not! Some World Faiths, such as Atheism and Communism, reject the existence of God altogether; their followers have to believe somehow that this universe got here all by itself from nothing at all.

All the World Faiths that do believe in a God or gods of some sort identify the same problem: how can sinful, unholy people make peace with God or “the gods”, both for life in this world and in the next?

All of these Faiths, apart from one, tell us that this necessary peace-making with God is up to us, to be done by us, by our own efforts, by our own will-power and goodness. When the time comes, God will weigh our lives on the scales, and if and when the good outweighs the bad, then He will let us in.

But one Faith is different from all the others – the Christian Faith as revealed in the Holy Bible. There we are told quite bluntly that we can never be good enough to appease Almighty God our holy Creator by our own efforts. That is the Bad News: we are helpless before Him, in deep trouble, and stuck.

Then Almighty God gives us the Good News! He has cracked the problem. He has made it possible for us to be made at peace with Him, and that peace-making has precisely NOTHING to do with our efforts or abilities or goodness, and EVERYTHING to do with His tremendous loving mercy towards us.

He has given us Himself, His very Son, Jesus Christ, fully God, yet fully man, one of us, here, on this earth. Jesus’ life shows us what life should be and can be. Jesus’ death was wholly undeserved and very vicious. In that death Jesus took on to Himself all our sinfulness, badness, everything within our own lives which has cut us off from God in the first place. In His rising from the dead, Jesus demonstrates beyond all possible doubt that He is true, that these things are true, that the Christian Faith is true, that the Holy Bible is true.

So the way is wide open, and very simple to follow, for us to be at peace with God. We are called to believe that Jesus Christ is telling the truth.  Within that belief we”get it” that in His dreadful death Jesus paid our debt to God our Father, the debt which we can never pay by ourselves. We go to God the Father, and ask for His forgiveness, and receive His forgiveness, simply because we are now with Jesus, who we acknowledge as the Lord of our lives.

So let it never be claimed that all the World Faiths are the same! ONE of them is wholly different from all the rest, and that one of them is founded on irrefutable, historical, factual evidence, notably Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. Putting our faith in the statement that “Jesus Christ is Lord” is wholly in line with the evidence rather than flying in the face of the evidence.

To take you a step further if you wish, please see our short book “HOW TO BECOME A CHRISTIAN” – 

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